How often do I need to come in a professional dental cleaning?

Why should you visit your dentist twice per year?

Your oral care is a combination of home-care (brushing and flossing) as well as visiting your dentist or hygienist for a professional cleaning. Brushing and flossing at home are vitally important to maintaining a beautiful smile but regular dental check-ups are equally important to identify gum disease and other health concerns related to your head, neck and mouth. When we perform a dental check-up we are not only checking your teeth and gums, we are also checking your neck and mouth for oral cancer.

Why do some patients need to come more often for professional dental cleanings?

Most patients only need to come in for two cleanings per year but there are many individual that need to come 3 or 4 times per years. Reasons people may need to come in more often include:

  • Smokers
  • Periodontal disease
  • Diabetes
  • Immunocompromised
  • Pregnant women (many insurances allow an extra cleaning when pregnant)
  • People who are prone to cavities and plaque build-up

Can some patients be seen annually instead of every 6 months? 

Yes, patients that have minimal plaque build-up and low risk of cavities can be seen annually.

Dental care should be personalized to fit your dental needs. The dentist and hygienist will come up a plan which best fits you. All people develop plaque at different rates so some people need to come every 3 months and others need to come every 12 months. Your dental professional will decide how often you need to come in for cleanings.

Are you due for your next dental check-up and cleaning? Give us a call at 410-672-3501 or send an email to We look forward to seeing you soon!

Deep ShahFields Family Dental